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Zachry, Joel G., and Kathy W. Zachry. Bears We've Met : Short Stories of Close Encounters. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2010.
Zales, Wendy Beth. Communicating with Visitors Center Users: Applications of a Touch-Sensitive Computer System (National Parks, Recreation Activities, Trip Planning, Great Smoky Mountains National Park). Vol. Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, 1985.
Zani, R C.. Environmental Analysis for "Quiet Walks" Along Little River Road, Laurel Creek Road, Newfound Gap Road and Clingmans Dome Road in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Gatlinburg, TN: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1978.
Zedaker, Shephard M., and Niki Stephanie Nicholas. Albany II: An Update on Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Site and Stand Characteristics In The Second Workshop on Integration of Red Spruce Biological Data with Atmospheric Data. Albany, NY: Department of Forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988.
Zedaker, Shephard M., Niki Stephanie Nicholas, and Christopher C. Eagar. "Assessment of Forest Decline in the Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forest, USA." In Air Pollution and Forest Decline: Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems, International Union of Forest Research O, 239-44. Birmensdorf, Switzerland: Eidgenössische Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen, 1989.
Zedaker, Shephard M., Niki Stephanie Nicholas, Christopher C. Eagar, Peter S. White, and Thomas E. Burk. Stand Characteristics Associated with Potential Decline of Spruce-Fir Forests in the Southern Appalachians In Proceedings of the US/FRG Research Symposium: Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on the Spruce-Fir Forests of the Eastern United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. Burlington, VT: U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1988.
Zeigler, Wilbur G., and Ben S. Grosscup. The Heart of the Alleghanies: Or, Western North Carolina. Kessinger Publishing, 2009.
Zelikova, Tamara J., Robert R. Dunn, and Nathan J. Sanders. "Variation in Seed Dispersal Along an Elevational Gradient in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Acta Oecologica 34, no. 2 (2008): 155-162.
Zenick, Andrew. A Study of Panthers In and Around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In English Paper., 1985.
Zenko, Darren, and Amos Gideon. Native American Ghost Stories. Auburn, Washington: Lone Pine Pub. International, 2006.
Zhang, Chi. Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics of Southern United States in Response to Changes in Climate, Atmosphere, and Land-use/Land Cover from 1895 to 2005. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, 2008.
Zhang, Chi, H. Q. Tian, Arthur H. Chappelka, W. Ren, H. Chen, S. F. Pan, M. L. Liu, D. M. Styers, G. S. Chen, and Y. H. Wang. "Impacts of Climatic and Atmospheric Changes on Carbon Dynamics in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Environmental Pollution 149, no. 3 (2007): 336-347.
Zhang, Weixin, Paul F. Hendrix, Bruce A. Snyder, Marirosa Molina, Jianxiong Li, Xingquan Rao, Evan Siemann, and Shenglei Fu. "Dietary Flexibility Aids Asian Earthworm Invasion in North American Forests." Ecology 91, no. 7 (2010): 2070-2079.
Zhou, Qingtao, Charles T. Driscoll, Stephen E. Moore, Matt A. Kulp, James R. Renfro, John S. Schwartz, Meijun Cai, and Jason A. Lynch. "Developing Critical Loads of Nitrate and Sulfate Deposition to Watersheds of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA." Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, no. 8 (2015).
Zhou, Xin, Jason L. Robinson, Christy J. Geraci, Charles R. Parker, Oliver S. Flint, David A. Etnier, David Ruiter, Edward R. DeWalt, Luke M. Jacobus, and Paul D. N. Hebert. "Accelerated Construction of a Regional DNA-barcode Reference Library: Caddisflies (Trichoptera) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30, no. 1 (2011): 131-162.
Zhu, Chunhao, and Yingkui Li. "High Temporal Resolution Use/Land Cover Change from 1984 to 2010 of the Little River Watershed, Tennessee, Investigated Using Landsat and Google Earth Images." Southeastern Geographer 53, no. 3 (2012): 250-266.
Zimmerman, Elena Irish. Sevierville, Gatlinburg, and Maryville : A Postcard Tour In Images of America. Dover, NH: Arcadia, 1996.
Zix, Mark W., and Sandra A. Cekot. Frisky, Furry, and Fearsome: Wildlife in America's National Parks. Ambassador Video Productions, 2005.
Zobel, Donald B.. "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Pinus pungens, an Appalachian Endemic." Ecological Monographs 39, no. 3 (1969): 303-333.
Zoder, Adriana. Life in the Smoky Mountains: Gatlinburg Through the Eyes of a Local. Lexington, KY: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.
Zolkos, Scott G., Patrick Jantz, Tina Cormier, Louis R. Iverson, Daniel W. McKenney, and Scott J. Goetz. "Projected Tree Species Redistribution Under Climate Change: Implications for Ecosystem Vulnerability Across Protected Areas in the Eastern United States." Ecosystems (2014).
