
“The Database of the Smokies” (DOTS) provides citations to written works about the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and bordering communities from 1935 to the present. Formats included are:

  • published books
  • scholarly and popular articles
  • personal narratives
  • government reports
  • theses
  • travel guides
  • maps
  • literature
  • handbooks

Links to the full text of resources are provided when available. The bibliography is indexed by subjects and also searchable by keywords to accommodate different search strategies. Sources published before 1935 are covered in the upcoming annotated bibliography, Terra Incognita: Writings on the Great Smoky Mountains from 1544 to 1934.

Before using the citations in academic or published work, consult your preferred style manual for proper formatting.

DOTS is a publication of the Great Smoky Mountains Regional Project, University of Tennessee Libraries. You can help us build this database!  Email us at smokies@utk.edu with questions, comments, or to submit a citation.

DOTS was created using Drupal, an open source platform. The database was designed and implemented by Harrison Pang. Mark Baggett continues to develop and maintain DOTS. Jennie McInturff and Sarah Tanner compile the content and build the subject index. DOTS and the Great Smoky Mountains Regional Project are co-directed by Anne Bridges and Ken Wise.