Stand Characteristics Associated with Potential Decline of Spruce-Fir Forests in the Southern Appalachians

TitleStand Characteristics Associated with Potential Decline of Spruce-Fir Forests in the Southern Appalachians
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsZedaker, Shephard M., Niki Stephanie Nicholas, Christopher C. Eagar, Peter S. White, and Thomas E. Burk
Conference NameProceedings of the US/FRG Research Symposium: Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on the Spruce-Fir Forests of the Eastern United States and the Federal Republic of Germany
Date PublishedOctober 19-23
PublisherU.S.D.A. Forest Service
Conference LocationBurlington, VT
SubjectsFraser fir, Pollution, Red spruce, Trees -- Growth decline, Woolly adelgids