The History of the Cabin in the Brier

TitleThe History of the Cabin in the Brier
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsRoth, Margaret Ann
MagazineSmoky Mountain Historical Society Newsletter
Issue Number2
Date Publishedsummer
SubjectsCabins, Greenbrier Cove, Messer Barn, Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

Describes the origin and history of the cabin built and used by the Smoky Mountain Hiking Club on the former Pinkney Whaley homestead. Ends by requesting donations toward the efforts of the Smoky Mountain Historical Society and the Smoky Mountain Hiking Club's efforts to replace the cabin's roof. Includes two photographs.


Full text is available to members of the Smoky Mountain Historical Society. There are two photographs of the repair party on page 67 of the autumn, 1989 issue.