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Terra Incognita: An Annotated Bibliography of the Great Smoky Mountains, 1544-1934. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2014.
A Time of War; A Time of Peace: The Smokies Conscientious Objector Work Camp." Smokies Life Magazine 3, no. 2 (2009): 10-20.
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"The Trail of Tears." American History Illustrated 7, no. 3 (1972): 30-39.
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Trip Report- GRSM and FOOT. Tallahassee, FL: Southeast Archeological Center, 1989.
Temporal Change Within and Among Forest Communities of Great Smoky Mountains National Park: The Influence of Historic Disturbance and Environmental Gradients. Vol. Master of Science. University of Tennessee, 2008.
Taxonomic and Distributional Notes on Corticiaceae (Homobasidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales) of the Southern Appalachians In The Distributional History of the Biota of the Southern Appalachians Part IV: Algae and Fungi, Biogeography, Systematics, and Ecology. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1976.
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"Tallest Native Hardwood Tree In North America Is Located In A National Park." National Park Traveler (2012).
"Two Decades of Change in a Great Smoky Mountains Spruce-Fir Forest." Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 115, no. 1 (1988): 25-31.
"Tree Mortality, Canopy Turnover, and Woody Detritus in Old Cove Forests of the Southern Appalachians." Ecology 86, no. 1 (2005): 73-84.
" Trip Report on Archeological Investigations, Big Creek. Tallahassee, FL: Southeast Archeological Center, 1990.
The Tertiary Character of the Cove Hardwood Forests of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 70, no. 3 (1943): 213-235.
"Trees Grow on Stilts in Great Smoky Mountains." Science News Letter 28, no. 750 (1935): 125.
"Tertiary Elements of the Cove Hardwoods Forest of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Symposium on Biology of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, Department of Botany, 1938.
Taming the Wild Man. Harlequin Books, 1995.
Tweetsie Tales: A Collection of Reminiscences. New River Publishing Company, 1989.
Trout Fishing Season Opens in the Great Smokies Mountain Streams Lure Waltonians of Nation In The Ohio Motorist. Great Smoky Mountains Conservation Association, 1935.
The Ten-Year Treasury of Cherokee Studies. Cherokee, NC: Museum of the Cherokee Indian.
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Tennessee In New enchantment of America. Revised Edition. Chicago, IL: Childrens Press, 1968.