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Pelton, Michael R., Larry Eugene Beeman, and Daniel C. Eagar. Den Selection of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Fourth International Conference on Bera Research and Management, Edited by Clifford J. Martinka and Katherine L. McArthur. Kalispell, MT: The Bear Biology Association, 1980.
Beeman, Larry Eugene, and Michael R. Pelton. "Homing of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Bears: Their Biology and Management 3: A Selection of Papers from the Third International Conference on Bear Reserach and Management, no. 40 (1974): 87-95.
Beeman, Larry Eugene, and Michael R. Pelton. Homing of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Bears -- Their Biology and Management: Third International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Vol. 3. International Association for Bear Research and Management, 1976.
Beeman, Larry Eugene. Seasonal Food Habits of the Black Bear (Ursus Americanus) in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 1971.
Beeman, Larry Eugene, Michael R. Pelton, and Clifford J. Martinka. "Seasonal Foods and Feeding Ecology of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains." In Bears -- Their Biology and Management: Fifth International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 141-147. West Glacier, MT: International Association for Bear Research and Management, 1980.
Beeman, Larry Eugene, and Michael R. Pelton. "Seasonal Foods and Feeding Ecology of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains." In Fourth International Conference on Bear Reserach and Management, 141-147. Vol. 4. Kalispell, Montana: International Association of Bear Reserach and Management, 1977.
Beeman, Larry Eugene, Michael R. Pelton, and Larry C. Marcum. "Use of M99 Etorphine for Immobilzing Black Bears." The Journal of Wildlife Management 38, no. 3 (1974): 586-569.