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Geology of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina. Washington D.C.: US Geological Survey, 1968.
Relation of the Folded Appalachians to the Crystalline Appalachians in the Light of Great Smoky Mountains Geology." Geological Society of America Bulletin 62, no. 12 (1951): 1554.
"Guide Book of Excursion in the Great Smoky Mountains: November 1-2, 1952. Carolina Geological Society, 1952.
The Base of the Cambrian in the Southern Appalachians; Part II." American Journal of Science 247, no. 9 (1949): 622-645.
" "The Base of the Cambrian in the Southern Appalachians, Part I." American Journal of Science 247, no. 8 (1949): 514-530.
"The Great Smoky Mountains - Their Geology and Natural History." Scientific Monthly 71, no. 1 (1950): 31-43.
"Guide Book of Excursion in the Great Smoky Mountains, November 1-2 1952 In Guidebook for 1952 Annual Meeting. Gatlinburg, TN: Carolina Geological Society, 1952.
Stratigraphy of Ocoee Series, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North Carolina." Geological Society of America Bulletin 69, no. 8 (1958): 947-966.