Population Densities of Northern Saw-Whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) in Degraded Boreal Forests of the Southern Appalachians

TitlePopulation Densities of Northern Saw-Whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) in Degraded Boreal Forests of the Southern Appalachians
Publication TypeScientific Report
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsMilling, Timothy C., Matthew P. Rowe, Bennie L. Cockerel, Timothy A. Dellinger, Johnny B. Gailes, and Christopher E. Hill
Series TitleBiology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere
Date PublishedFebruary
InstitutionUSDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiement Station
Place PublishedWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Report NumberNC-190
SubjectsBirds, Fauna, Owls

