Black bears

Status of the Black Bear in the Southeast

Pelton, Michael R., and Robert G. Nichols. Status of the Black Bear in the Southeast In Eastern Workshop on Black Bear Management and Research. Delmar, NY: Proceedings of the 1st Eastern Workshop on Black Bear Management and Research, 1972.

Marking Techniques for Black Bears

Johnson, Kenneth Gregory, and Michael R. Pelton. Marking Techniques for Black Bears In Annual Conference Southeastern Association Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Vol. 34. Greenville, ME, 1980.

Seasonal Foods and Feeding Ecology of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains

Beeman, Larry Eugene, and Michael R. Pelton. "Seasonal Foods and Feeding Ecology of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains." In Fourth International Conference on Bear Reserach and Management, 141-147. Vol. 4. Kalispell, Montana: International Association of Bear Reserach and Management, 1977.

Human-Bear Interactions in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Tate, Jane, and Michael R. Pelton. "Human-Bear Interactions in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." In Fifth International Conference Bear Research and Management, edited by Charles E. Meslow, 312-321. Vol. 5. Madison, Wisconsin: International Association for Bear Research and Management, 1983.


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