Where Marshall Wilson and Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth spent Christmas night. This is a trapper's hut they found on the way to Silers Bald above Elkmont. We left a pot of hot coffee on the old wood burner and went to bed. Three hours later, we woke up...

TitleWhere Marshall Wilson and Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth spent Christmas night. This is a trapper's hut they found on the way to Silers Bald above Elkmont. We left a pot of hot coffee on the old wood burner and went to bed. Three hours later, we woke up...
Publication TypeImage
AuthorsRoth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon
DateDecember 25, 1925
Collection NameAlbert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection
SourceThe University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections
SubjectsElkmont, Fish Camp Prong, Shelters
  • Original Format: Scanned from 4"x 6" negative.
  • Date of Photo Creation: 1925-12-25
  • Document ID: roth0237