The Whaley-Messer Homestead (The Cabin in the Briar)

TitleThe Whaley-Messer Homestead (The Cabin in the Briar)
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsFowler, Aileen Whaley, and James E. Shular
MagazineSmoky Mountain Historical Society Newsletter
Issue Number1
Date Publishedspring
SubjectsCantilever barns, Greenbrier Cove, Messer Barn, Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

Describes the origins of the homestead and other structures in the Big Greenbriar section of the GSMNP, then announces that the cabin has been placed on the national register of historical places. Includes a photograph.


Full text is available to members of the Smoky Mountain Historical Society.