Trip Report on Archeological Investigations of the Project Area for the Cades Cove Native Grass Demonstration Meadow, Project #GRSM 99-16, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, February 23,2000

TitleTrip Report on Archeological Investigations of the Project Area for the Cades Cove Native Grass Demonstration Meadow, Project #GRSM 99-16, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, February 23,2000
Publication TypeScientific Report
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsYu, Pei-Lin
InstitutionGreat Smoky Mountains National Park
Place PublishedGatlinburg, Tenn.
SubjectsArchaeology, Cades Cove

On file Cultural Resources Management Office, Cades Cove Memos, GRSM.