On top of old Smoky : new old time Smoky Mountain music

TitleOn top of old Smoky : new old time Smoky Mountain music
Publication TypeAudio Recording
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJones, Carol Elizabeth, Jody Stecher, Kate Brislin, David Holt, Travis Stuart, Trevor Stuart, Alice Gerrard, Corbin Hayslett, Sheila Kay Adams, Bruce Greene, Ed Snodderly, John Lilly, Stephen Wade, Bryan Sutton, Amythyst Kiah, Roy Andrade, Martin Simpson, Norman Blake, Nancy Blake, Tony Trischka, Courtney Hartman, Dolly Parton, Dale Jett, Ted Olsen, Joseph S. Hall, Brother Boys, Rising Fawn Strin Ensemble, and Hello Stranger
PublisherGreat Smoky Mountains Association,
Place PublishedGatlinburg, TN
SubjectsMountain life, Music