Title | "Ice Overhead! We had to watch for falling ice as well as our footing as we worked our way down the frozen gorge of Roaring Fork" |
Publication Type | Image |
Authors | Webster, Herbert M. |
Date | 1940 January 21 |
Collection Name | Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338 |
Source | The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray. |
Subjects | Roaring Fork, Waterfalls |
Description |
- Original Order: "#428: Ice Overhead! We had to watch for falling ice as well as our footing as we worked our way down the frozen gorge of Roaring Fork"
- Document ID: 0012_002333_000702_0001
- "The copyright interests in this collection remain with the creator. For more information, contact Special Collections at special@utk.edu."
URL | http://kiva.lib.utk.edu/webster/items/show/2148 |