H.R. 1776, "Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act"; H.R. 2175, "World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2013"; H.R. 2489, "Oregon Caves Revitalization Act of 2013"; And H.R. 3806, "Great Smoky Mountains National Park Agreement Act of 2013"

TitleH.R. 1776, "Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act"; H.R. 2175, "World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2013"; H.R. 2489, "Oregon Caves Revitalization Act of 2013"; And H.R. 3806, "Great Smoky Mountains National Park Agreement Act of 2013"
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsRegulation, United States Con
PublisherU.S. Government Publishing Office
Place PublishedWashington, D.C.
SubjectsConservation -- Government regulations, Land management, Recreation, Streams