Up Hazel Creek and Under Fontana Lake

TitleUp Hazel Creek and Under Fontana Lake
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBest, Betty Boone
MagazineSmoky Mountain Historical Society Journal and Newsletter
Issue Number2
Date Publishedsummer
SubjectsCemeteries, Education, Lumber Companies, Mountain people, Park development, Personal narratives, Tennessee Valley Authority

Describes the area both before and after TVA flooded it, a family trip to visit some remaining cemeteries, buildings they saw on this visit and the memories they sparked, former residents and stories about them, some genealogical information, accounts of logging before TVA and GSMNP, and various other bits of information that came up during the visit and subsequent research. Includes fifteen photographs.


Full text is available to members of the Smoky Mountain Historical Society.