Geologic Map of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Region, Tennessee and North Carolina

TitleGeologic Map of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Region, Tennessee and North Carolina
Publication TypeMap
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsSouthworth, Scott, Arthur P. Schultz, and Danielle Denenny
Series TitleAppalachian Blue Ridge Project
PublisherU.S. Geological Survey
SubjectsGeology, Mapping

This work has been compiled as a 1:100,000-scale map derived from mapping done at 1:24,000 and 1:62,500 scale. The geologic data are intended to support cooperative investigations with NPS, the development of a new soil map by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory ( At the request of NPS, we mapped areas previously not visited, revised the geology where stratigraphic and structural problems existed, and developed a map database for use in interdisciplinary research, land management, and interpretive programs for park visitors.

