Title | Dr. H. M. Jennison after a storm on White Rock. The hard wind did this to his jacket. His jacket was new when he started out that morning. The wind was so strong on White Rock that you could not stand against it. |
Publication Type | Image |
Year | 1930 |
Authors | Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon |
Date | November 30, 1930 |
Collection Name | Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection |
Source | The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections |
Format | Photograph |
Subjects | Dr. Harry Miliken Jennison, Mount Cammerer |
Description |
- Original Format: Scanned from 4"x 6" negative.
- Date of Photo Creation: 1930-11-30
- Document ID: roth0170
URL | http://idserver.utk.edu/?id=200300000001939 |