Create Backcountry Campsites at Hazel Creek Cascades, Coburn Knob, at the Indian Creek Turnaround, and along Deeplow Gap Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Swain County, North Carolina.

TitleCreate Backcountry Campsites at Hazel Creek Cascades, Coburn Knob, at the Indian Creek Turnaround, and along Deeplow Gap Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Swain County, North Carolina.
Publication TypeScientific Report
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKreusch, Erik Skot
InstitutionGreat Smoky Mountains National Park
Place PublishedGatlinburg, TN
SubjectsCamping, Tourism

On file Cultural Resources Management Office, Parkwide Memos, GRSM. Hazel Creek, Deep Creek, Noland Creek