Bryophyte and Lichen Survey of Foothills Parkway, Segment 8B, Cosby-Pittman Center, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

TitleBryophyte and Lichen Survey of Foothills Parkway, Segment 8B, Cosby-Pittman Center, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Publication TypeScientific Report
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsSmith, David K., Kenneth D. McFarland, Allen C. Risk, and Paul G. Davison
Date PublishedMay 25
Place PublishedOak Ridge, TN
Report NumberSubcontract 11X-SR982V
SubjectsCosby, Foothills Parkway, Lichens, Mosses, Pittman Center

"Submitted to Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Martin Marietta Corporation" First three authors UT Department of Botany; 4th is University of North Alabama, Department of biology