Aunt Lizzie Reagan, at the Pi Beta Phi School, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, weaving old-fashioned jean. Very few can weave this kind of cloth now. She is 75 years old and lives near the school, earning her living weaving, 11/14/1933

TitleAunt Lizzie Reagan, at the Pi Beta Phi School, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, weaving old-fashioned jean. Very few can weave this kind of cloth now. She is 75 years old and lives near the school, earning her living weaving, 11/14/1933
Publication TypeImage
AuthorsTennessee Valley Authority
DateNovember 14
Collection NameLewis Hine Photographs for the Tennessee Valley Authority
SourceNational Archives at College Park
SubjectsPi Beta Phi Settlement School, Tennessee Valley Authority, Weaving