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Government Report
DeYoung, Harry R., Peter S. White, and H. R. DeSelm. Vegetation of the Southern Appalachians: An Indexed Bibliography, 1805-1982. Gatlinburg, Tenn.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1982.
Conference Proceedings
Wathen, William Gregory, Christopher C. Eagar, Charles E. Noseworthy, John Douglas Peine, and Peter S. White. The Wild Hog Research Program in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Conference on Science in the National Parks. WR 208 ed. Vol. 4. George Wright Society, 1986.
Zedaker, Shephard M., Niki Stephanie Nicholas, Christopher C. Eagar, Peter S. White, and Thomas E. Burk. Stand Characteristics Associated with Potential Decline of Spruce-Fir Forests in the Southern Appalachians In Proceedings of the US/FRG Research Symposium: Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on the Spruce-Fir Forests of the Eastern United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. Burlington, VT: U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1988.
Eagar, Christopher C., Peter S. White, and David G. Silsbee. Monitoring and Reserch Related to Atmospheric Deposition in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program: Aquatic Effects Task Group and Terrestrial Effects Task Group Peer Review. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture , 1984.
White, Peter S., Dean Berg, Mark E. Harmon, and Niki Stephanie Nicholas. Fire History and Management in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, An Update In Conference on Science in the National Parks. WR 208 ed. Vol. 4. George Wright Society, 1986.
Conference Paper
Bratton, Susan Power, Francis J. Singer, Mark E. Harmon, and Peter S. White. "Rooting Impacts of the European Wild Boar on the Vegetation of Great Smoky Mountains National Park During a year of Mast Failure." In 2nd. Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 276-293. San Francisco, California, 1979.
White, Peter S.. "Rare Plant Monitoring in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." In 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 219. National Park Service, Southeast Region, 1979.
Bratton, Susan P., and Peter S. White. "Preservation and Change - Dilemmas of Rare Plant Management in Preserve Systems." In 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 229. National Park Service, Southeast Region, 1979.
White, Peter S.. "Herbarium Computerization Project." In 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 101. National Park Service, Southeast Region, 1979.
Book Chapter
White, Peter S.. "Work Plan: The Ecology of Natural Disturbances in Logged and Unlogged Stands in Cades Cove and Tremont Area of Great Smoky Mountains National Park." In Work Plan: Subprojects of the Vegetation Survey, 1-9. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1978.
White, Peter S., and Charles V. Cogbill. "Spruce-fir Forests of Eastern North America." In Ecology and Decline of Red Spruce in the Eastern United States, 3-39. Vol. 96. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
White, Peter S., and R. Sutter. "Southern Appalachian Grassy Balds: Lessons for Management and Regional Conservation." In Ecosystem Management: Principles and Practices Illustrated by a Regional Biosphere Cooperative, edited by John Douglas Peine, 375-396. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1998.
Eagar, Christopher C., and Peter S. White. "Review of the Biology and Ecology of the Balsam Woolly Aphid in Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forests." In The Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Ecosystem: Its Biology and Threats, 36-50. Research/Resources Management Report. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory , 1984.
White, Peter S., and Mark D. Mackenzie. "Remote Sensing and Landscape Pattern in Great Smoky Mountains National Park Biosphere Reserve, North Carolina and Tennessee." In Coupling of Ecological Studies with Remote Sensing: Potentials at Four Biosphere Reserves in the United States, 52-70. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Department of State, 1986.
White, Peter S., and Susan Power Bratton. "Monitoring Vegetation and Rare Plant Populations in US National Parks and Preserves." In The Biological Aspects of Rare Plant Conservation, edited by Hugh Synge, 265-278. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , 1981.
Wiser, Susan K., and Peter S. White. "High Elevation Outcrops and Barrens of the Southern Appalachian Mountains." In Savannas, Barrens, and Rock Outcrop Plant Communities of North America, edited by R. C. Anderson, J. S. Fralish and J. M. Baskin, 119-132. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
White, Peter S.. "The Ecology of Natural Disturbances in Logged and Unlogged Stands in the Cades Cove and Tremont Areas of Great Smoky Mountains National Park." In National Park Service Fourth Annual Scientific Research Meeting, Southeast Region, June 16-17, 1978, edited by James D. Wood, 39. Gatlinburg, TN: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1978.
Bratton, Susan Power, Peter S. White, and Mark E. Harmon. "Disturbance and Recovery of Plant Communities in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Successional Dynamics and Concepts of Naturalness." In Successional Research and Environmental Pollutant Monitoring Associated with Biosphere Reserves, edited by M. A. Hemstrom and Jerry F. Franklin, 42-79. Washington, DC: US National Committee for Man and the Biosphere, 1981.
