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Wearables with Style. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1985.
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The William Carroll Thomas Progeny. S.E. Lethco and H.E. Sharp, 1994.
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"A Week in the Great Smokies." Audubon Bulletin (1945): 9-13.
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"Watching for Warblers." Smokies Life Magazine 4, no. 1 (2010): 56-63.
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"The Windwalker : A Happening in the Smokies. Sevierville, TN: Covenant House Books, 1991.
Weaving, Lidia Lopez - Faculty. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 2001.
Walking North. 2nd ed. Seattle, WA: Elton-Wolf Pub., 2001.
West of Eden the Historiography of the Trail of Tears. Toledo, OH: University of Toledo, 1995.
Walking the Appalachian Trail. Stackpole Books, 1994.
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