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Jumping Johnny Outwits Skedaddle In American Folk Tales A Reading Shelf Book , Edited by Raymond Burns. Champaign, IL: Garrard Publishing Co., 1971.
Children of the Great Smoky Mountains. New York: Dutton, 1952.
Tales from Near-Side and Far. Champaign, IL: Garrard Publishing Co., 1970.
The House in No-End Hollow. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1938.
Barney, Bring Your Banjo. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1959.
At the Foot of Windy Low., 1930.
Smoky Mountain Miracle. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.
Smoky Mountain Murder. CreateSpace, 2010.
Bailout. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1989.
Sexual Identity and social integration in George Washington Harris's Sut Lovingood's yarns. Vol. M.A. University of South Carolina, 1992.
Uncontrollable: The Nature of Grace. Book 2. Coleman & Stott, 2012.
All Tangled Up. Lexington, KY: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.
Heavenly Bliss In Haunting Hearts. New York: Jove Books, 1997.
The Back Side of God. Xlibris, 2002.
Cades Cove. 3rd ed. Aiden James Fiction, 2010.
Another Reappraisal: The Cultural Work of May Noailles Murfee's "In The Tennessee Mountains"." Appalachian Journal 35, no. 1/2 (2007): 90-107.
"Secrets of a Hidden Trail. PublishAmerica, 2005.
Lost Cove. Xlibris, 2007.
Breathing the Same Air : An East Tennessee Anthology. Knoxville, TN: Caltic Cat Publishing , 2001.
Fiction into Film: A Walk in the Spring Rain In A Delta Book. New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1972.
Marthy Lou's Civerlid: A Sketch of Mountain Life. Triangle Press, 1937.
This Time Around. L.A. Dydds, 2004.
Trail of Deceit. Kailua, HI: Limitless Publishing, 2015.
The Pike. Appleton-Century-Croft, 1954.
The Troublesome Cub. Gatlingburg, TN: Great Smoky Mountains Natural
History Association, 2001.