Summer Craft Workshop students enjoy a picnic.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1995.
Summer craft faculty working on textiles.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1953.
The Sugarlands, showing Chimney Mountains.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1930.
Sugarlands - 1929 - School and Teachers' Cottage.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1929.
Sugarland road near Mr. Ogle's store 5/26/1926.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1926.
Students with calf. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1919.
Students standing in wagon. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1923.
Students playing baseball.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1925.
Students on a picnic.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1925.
Students in science laboratory, High School Building. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1905.
Students in front of Sugarlands School. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1928.
Students in front of One-Room Schoolhouse, Gatlinburg. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1915.
Students clearing athletic field.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1925.
Students and teachers with dogs. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1927.
Students and teachers on playground. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1928.
Students and Teachers in Pollard Cottage. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1927.
Students - 1945. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1945.
Students - 1945. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1945.
Students - 1928. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1928.
Students - 1927. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1927.
Students - 1925. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1925.
Students - 1925. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1925.
Students - 1921. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1921.
Students - 1915. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1915.
Student working inside the Wood Studio.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1995.