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Yakovlev, Kirill Yevgenyevi. Analysis of Solvability and Applications of Stochastic Optimal Control Problems through Systems of Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 2012.
Yarbrough, Willard. "Elkmont, Rooted in Smoky Park History, is Proud of Tradition." Knoxville News-Sentinel (1965).
Yard, Robert Sterling. "Will the States Control Great Smoky?" The National Parks Bulletin 13, no. 63 (1937): 15.
Yard, Robert Sterling. "Will the States Control Great Smoky?" National Parks Bulletin 13, no. 63 (1937): 15.
Yard, Robert Sterling, Wendell Holmes Camp, and Stanley A. Cain. "The Great Smoky Wilderness." The Living Wilderness 7, no. 4 (1942): 7-19.
Yarkovich, Joseph Gene. Black Bear Relocation as a Method to Reduce Elk Calf Predation within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Knoxville, Tennessee: University of Tennessee, 2009.
Yarkovich, Joseph Gene. Black bear relocation as a method to reduce elk calf predation within Great Smoky Mountains National Park., 2009.
Yarkovich, Joseph Gene, Joseph D. Clark, and Jennifer L. Murrow. "Effects of Black Bear Relocation on Elk Calf Recruitment at Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Journal of Wildlife Management 75, no. 5 (2011): 1145-1154.
Yarnell, Susan L.. The Southern Appalachians: A History of the Landscape. Diane Publishing Company, 1999.
Yasuda, Anita. What's great about North Carolina?. Minneapolis: Lerner Publishing Company, 2014.
Yates, Donald. Cherokee DNA Studies : Real People who Proved the Geneticists Wrong. Phoenix, Arizona: Panther's Lodge Publishers, 2014.
Yates, Elizabeth. Brave Interval. H. Z. Walck, 1952.
Ye, Weimin, J. Abolafia, R. T. Robbins, S. Á. lvarez-Ortega, and R. Peña-Santiago. "Axonchoides smokyensis sp. n. (dorylaimida: Belondiridae) from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: The Second Species of a Very Rare Genus." Nematology 15, no. 6 (2013): 697-693.
Yetter, Todd C., and James Reade Runkle. "Height Growth Rates of Canopy Tree Species in Southern Appalachian Gaps." Castanea 51, no. 3 (1986): 157-167.
Yoder, Julian C.. The mountain counties of North Carolina: a geographic study. Vol. Ph.D. University of North Carolina, 1949.
York, Carl J.. "Eusebia Presbyterian Church." Smoky Mountain Historical Society Newsletter 28, no. 3 (1992): 15.
Yost, Edward C., Katherine S. Johnson, and William F. Blozan. Old Growth Project: Stand Delineation and Disturbance Rating Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Technical Report NPS/ SERGRSM/ NRTR. Gatlinburg, TN: National Park Service, 1994.
Yost, Henry E., and Walter A. Stegall. White Pine Blisters Rust Control Work in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Work Project., 1946.
Youmans, Marly. The Curse of the Raven Mocker. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2003.
Young, Karen, and Historic American Engineering Record. Evolution of Major Roads - Great Smoky Mountains National Park Roads & Bridges. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division: Historic American Engineering Record, 1996.
Young, Elan. "Protecting the Natural Sounds and Night Skies of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Knoxville Mercury 2 (2016): 11-15.
Young, Gordon. "Autumn - Season of the Smokies." National Geographic 156, no. 1 (1979): 142-147.
Young, Karen, and Historic American Engineering Record. Bridge Comparison: Chimneys Bridge, Elkmont Vehicle Bridge, Crossover Bridge at Perry's Dam. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division: Historic American Engineering Record, 1996.
Young, Patricia Joy. A Retrospective Dendroecology of the American Chestnut in a Southern Appalachian Ecosystem. University of Arkansas, 1996.
