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Filters: Author is E.B.C.I. (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Planning Board [Clear All Filters]
Commercial Areas Appearance Program, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Vol. 6. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Undated.
Comprehensive Plan. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, 1974.
Environmental Reconnaissance Inventory, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Vol. 2. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Undated.
The Impact of Land Tenure, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Vol. 3. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, 255.
Index for Maps, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Vol. 5. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Undated.
Land Use Analysis and Initial Housing Study, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Vol. 4. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Undated.
Population and Economy Study, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Vol. 1. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources.
Recreation Development Guide -- EBCI. Vol. 7. North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Undated.