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A Field Manual for the Use of Antimycin A for Restoration of Native Fish Populations In Natural Resources Report. Fort Collins, CO: Department of the Interior, National Park Service , 2008.
Population Control of Exotic Rainbow Trout in Streams of a Natural Area Park." Environmental Management 10, no. 2 (1986): 215-219.
"Dispersal of Brook Trout in Rehabilitated Streams in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 60, no. 1 (1985): 1-4.
"A Summary of Changing Crops of Native Brook Trout in Response to Removal of Sympatric Rainbow Trout in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 59, no. 4 (1984): 76-77.
"Restoration of Sams Creek and an Assessment of Brook Trout Restoration Methods: Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Technical Report. Gatlinburg, TN: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 2005.
Native Brook Trout Studies in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1976-1981." Fish. & Coastal Wetland Res 6 (1990): 59-69.
"Changes in Standing Crop of Brook Trout Concurrent with Removal of Exotic Trout Species, Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Reserach/Resources Management Report. Atlanta, GA: Department of the Interior, National Park Service , 1981.
Restoration of Native Brook Trout in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Proceedings of the Conference on Scientific Research in National Parks 4 (1986): 51.
"Population Responses of Brook Trout Concurrent with Reductions in Numbers of Exotic Trout from Areas of Six Streams in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." In 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 69. Tennessee Technological University , 1979.
"Standing Crops of Brook Trout Concurrent with Removal of Rainbow Trout from Selected Streams in Gerat Smoky Mountains National Park." North American Journal of Fisheries Management 3, no. 1 (1983): 72-80.