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Larson, Gary L., Stephen E. Moore, and Danny C. Lee. "Angling and Electrofishing for Removing Nonnative Rainbow Trout from a Stream in a National Park." North American Journal of Fisheries Management 6, no. 4 (1986): 580-585.
Mathews, Raymond C., Gary L. Larson, and David G. Silsbee. "Atmospheric Deposition Studies in theGreat Smoky Mountains National Park." In 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 128. National Park Service, Southeast Region, 1979.
Moore, Stephen E., and Gary L. Larson. "Restoration of Native Brook Trout in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Proceedings of the Conference on Scientific Research in National Parks 4 (1986): 51.
Larson, Gary L., and William E. Hammitt. Use Patterns of Tubers, Waders, and Swimmers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Social Research in National Parks and Wildland Parks. Gatlinburg, TN: U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southeast Region, 1980.