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Filters: Author is Albert "Dutch" Gordon Roth [Clear All Filters]
No Original Caption. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club cabin in fog.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1948.
From Table Rock after a storm.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1948.
No Original Caption. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, Undated.
Sunset across Little River near Topside.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1952.
Elizabeth Houston, Gurley, Clara Gartrell, and Simon Davis. Simon Davis with big stick.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1928.
Looking across toward Thunderhead from Block House.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1939.
Blanket Mountain.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1949.
Poplar tree in Joyce Kilmer Forest.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1939.
Bronze tablet at Gatlinburg, Tennessee.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club crossing on ferry on way back from Little Fodder Stack.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1936.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club starting their cabin.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1934.
Along the trail to Brushy Mountain from the Orchard.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1936.
The top of the Chimneys.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Tunnel under highway between Indian Gap and Newfound Gap.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1937.
No Original Caption. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth, Harvey Broome, and Luther Greene at camp on the way to Hugh Ridge.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1931.
Arthur Stupka lecturing to the club on nature trip on Kalanu Fork.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1942.
Inside of an old mill near Pittman Center.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
On state line near Dry Sluice Gap after rain on Labor Day.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1942.
Charles Albert Sonny Roth on cherry foot log along trail to Ramsey Falls.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1938.
Chimneys.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
The loose rock along highway near Pikeville.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1936.
It rained all day Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday. This was made on the way back to the car from Proctor Field Sunday afternoon. The stream was usually small.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1946.
Roger Howell nailing up Appalachian Trail marker along trail between Newfound Gap and Ice Water shelter. Snow about 10 deep.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1941.