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Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Smoky Mountains Hiking Club at Will Johnson's home during a cookout.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1945.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Table Rock Mountain from campground.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1948.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Balsam combs.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Tower on Bluff Mountain.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Pushing rail cars upright near Hartford, Tennessee. A hard windstorm blew them over.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1930.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Looking up through Arch Rock covered in ice.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1936.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Indian Gap before road was cut through.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1928.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. No Original Caption. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth and Guy Frizzell at Stekoah Gap.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1941.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Camp on way to Little Fodder Stack. Rained most of night.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1936.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. The Old Wheel and part of the Mill race in the background. Up Kalance Fork in the Greenbrier section.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1939.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. No Original Caption. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Going back into coal mines.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1934.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Frozen Rainbow Falls.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Benton MacKaye on the Appalachian Trail near Newfound Gap.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1933.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. One Chimney from the other one.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Smoky Mountains Hiking Club on the way to Mount Harrison.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1926.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Where Marshall Wilson and Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth spent Christmas night. This is a trapper's hut they found on the way to Silers Bald above Elkmont. We left a pot of hot coffee on the old wood burner and went to bed. Three hours later, we woke up.... The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1925.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Walker walking cane tree along trail to Thunderhead Mountain from Tremont.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1931.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Trail up Roaring Fork.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1945.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Will Johnson getting ready for corn boiling.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1950.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Chimneys in background.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1930.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Sign at Newfound Gap covered in hoarfrost and ice.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1940.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. No Original Caption. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1949.
Roth, Albert "Dutch" Gordon. Near Newfound Gap.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection, 1938.
