Smoky Mountains Hiking Club at Miss Gurley Jett's home for watermelon.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club at Montvale, Tennessee.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club at Rainbow Falls.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club on the way to Brushy Mountain.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club on the way to Mount Harrison.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club on the way to Mount Harrison.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: Albert Gordon "Dutch" Roth Digital Photograph Collection.
"Snow covered valley". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow drifted to great depth here (site of a great slide) [on Leconte]". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow in the Sugarlands". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow trip to Leconte". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow trip to Leconte". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow trip to Leconte". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow trip to Leconte. Alum Cove". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Snow trip to Leconte. Alum Cove". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"Some one goes up for a look". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
Southern Appalachian Vegetation: A Computer Indexed Bibliograpy, 1803-1981 In Research/Resources Management Report. National Park Service, Southeast Regional Office.
"Special negative of John Oliver Home. Cades Cove". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
Special reports, memoranda, lecture syllabi, radio-script. National Park Service.
"Spence Field". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"State Line". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"State Line Between Clingman's & Siler's". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"State Line from Brushy". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"State Line from Brushy". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"State Line from Brushy". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.
"State Line from Greenbrier". The University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections Libray.: Herbert M. Webster Photographs Collection (1926-1955), MS.3338.