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Ayers, Paul, Ken Swinson, Brett Connell, Bryan McConkey, J. R. Candlish, Chanci King, and Matt Ellison. "Data Collection for GIS-based Landscape-scale River Habitat Mapping for Tennessee River Systems." In 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop Improving Water Quality and the Environment. Bari, Italy: ASABE, 2012.
Etnier, Elizabeth L., Michael A. Etnier, and Ken Wise. Day Hikers Guide to All the Trails in the Smoky Mountains. 3rd ed., 2010.
Etnier, Elizabeth L., Michael A. Etnier, and Ken Wise. Day Hikers Guide to All the Trails in the Smoky Mountains. 3rd ed., 2010.
Pelton, Michael R., Larry Eugene Beeman, and Daniel C. Eagar. Den Selection of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Fourth International Conference on Bera Research and Management, Edited by Clifford J. Martinka and Katherine L. McArthur. Kalispell, MT: The Bear Biology Association, 1980.
Peacor, Donald R., Roland C. Rouse, Thomas Dennis Coskren, and Eric J. Essene. "Destinezite ("Diadochite"), Fe2(PO4)(SO4)(OH)-6H2O: Its Crystal Structure and Role as a Soil Mineral at Alum Cave Bluff, Tennessee." Clays and Clay Minerals 47, no. 1 (1999): 1-11.
Evans, Andrew, Richard Odom, Lynn Resler, Mark W. Ford, and Steve Prisley. "Developing a Topographic Model to Predict the Northern Hardwood Forest Type within Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) Recovery Areas of the Southern Appalachians." International Journal of Forestry Research 2014 (2014).
Federman, Elizabeth B., Elizabeth Jane Costello, Adrian Angold, Elizabeth M. Farmer, and Alaattin Erkanli. "Development of Substance Use and Pychiatric Comorbidity in an Epidemiologic Study of White and American Indian Young Adolescents The Great Smoky Mountains Study." Drug and Alcohol Dependence 44, no. 2-3 (1997): 69-78.
Phillips, Susan D., Alaattin Erkanli, Gordon P. Keeler, Elizabeth Jane Costello, and Adrian Angold. "Disentangling the Risks: Parent Criminal Justice Involvement and Children's Exposure to Family Risks." Criminology & Public Policy 5, no. 4 (2006): 677-702.
Eagar, Christopher C.. Distribution and Characteristics of Balsam Woolly Aphid Infestation in the Great Smoky Mountains In Forestry. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 1978.
East Tennessee Development District. The District and Its Economy. East Tennessee Development District, 1977.
Eubanks, F. D.. "Early Lumbering in East Tennessee." The Southern Lumberman 151 (1935): 100.
Earthwalk Press Hiking Map and Guide, Great Smoky Mountains National Park [cartographic material] : Features Topographic Map (1:62,500) of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Backcountry Regulations, Safety Considerations, Trail Mileages and Descriptions. Eureka, CA: Earthwalk Press, 1990.
Earthwalk Press Hiking Map and Guide, Great Smoky Mountains National Park [cartographic material] : Features Topographic Map (1:62,500) of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Backcountry Regulations, Safety Considerations, Trail Mileages and Descriptions. Eureka, CA: Earthwalk Press, 1990.
East Tennessee Development District. The East Tennessee Development District, Land Use Plan: 1979-2000. Knoxville, TN: East Tennessee Development District, 1979.
Eagar, Christopher C., and Mary Beth Adams. Ecology and Decline of Red Spruce in the Eastern United States In Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Vol. 96. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
Emberton, Kenneth C.. "Ecology of a Shell Convergence Between Subfamilies of Polygrid Land Snails." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 44, no. 2 (1991): 105-120.
Mulholland, Patrick J., J. W. Elwood, A. V. Palumbo, and R. J. Stevenson. "Effect of Stream Acidification on Periphyton Composition, Chlorophyll, and Productivity." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43, no. 10 (1992): 1846-1858.
