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Carter, Ted. Ted Carter's Vest Pocket History of Asheville and Western North Carolina : For Tar Heels, Originals or Retreads. Asheville, NC: T. Carter, 1978.
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Stepp, Lin. Tell Me About Orchard Hollow. Canterbury House Pub., 2010.
Carson, Jo. Teller Tales: Histories. Ohio University Press, 2007.
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Chappelka, Arthur H., Greg L. Somers, and James R. Renfro. "Temporal Patterns of Foliar Ozone Smptoms on Tall Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Environmental Pollution 149, no. 3 (2007): 358-365.
Jones, James R., John S. Schwartz, Kelsey N. Ellis, Jon M. Hathaway, and Curtis M. Jawdy. "Temporal Variability of Precipitation in the Upper Tennessee Valley." Journal of Hydrology 3 (2015): 125-138.
Matmon, Ari, Paul R. Bierman, Jennifer Larsen, Scott Southworth, M. Pavich, and M. Caffee. "Temporally and Spatially Uniform Rates of Erosion in the Southern Appalachian Great Smoky Mountains." Geology 31, no. 2 (2003): 155-158.
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