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Black Bear/Human Conflicts in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." In Bears -- Their Biology and Management: Fifth International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 137-139. West Glacier, MT: International Association for Bear Research and Management, 1980.
"Black Bears In Falcon Pocket Guide. Falcon Guides, 2013.
Black Bears In Great Smoky Mountains National Park management folio. rev. ed. Great Smoky Mountains Association, 2005.
Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Tennes-Sierran 5, no. 8 (1975): 2-6.
"Black Bears: Monsters or Teddy Bears?" Smoky Mountain Living 5, no. 1 (2005): 10-15.
"Black Bears of the Smokies." Natural History 83, no. 1 (1976): 54-63.
"Black Bears on the Mend." National Wildlife (World Edition) 43, no. 5 (2005): 38-45.
"B-Roll video: Flora & Fauna, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. U. S. Department of the Interior.
Capture and On-site Release of Nuisance Black Bears and Survival of Orphaned Black Bears Released in the Great Smoky Mountains. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 1999.
Carson Brewer Articles, 1949-1994 In Carson Brewer Articles . Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Libraries, Special Collections, 1970.
Census Techniques and Population Indices In Fourth Eastern Black Bear Workshop. Greenville, Maine: United State Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1978.
Challenges of DNA-Based Mark-Recapture Studies of American Black Bears." The Journal of Wildlife Management 72, no. 4 (2008): 1035-1042.
"Characteristics of Black Bear Cubs in the Southern Appalachians." Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 38 (1984): 61-69.
"Chemical Immobilization of Black Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In 5th Eastern Workshop on Black Bear Management and Research. Wrightsville Beach, NC: The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, 1980.
Chemical Immobilization of Black Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Proceedings from the Seventh Eastern Workshop on Black Bear Research and Management. Vol. 7., 1984.
Comeback of the Bears. Knoxville, TN: Klars Syndicate Press, 2000.
Comparative Estimates of Black Bear Population Size in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In 11th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Gatlinburg, TN: International Association for Bear Research & Management, 1998.
A Compilation of Program Literature; Bear Research. Knoxville, TN: Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Tennessee, Undated.
Complex Movements and Habitat Use: Testing the Multiscaled Home Range Model on Black Bear Telemetry Data." Bears: Their Biology and Management 10 (1998): 210-234.
"Computer-assisted management and analysis of biological data for bears." In International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 195-201., 1983.
"Conspicuous Consumption." National Parks 76, no. 3-4 (2002): 40-42.
"Correlates of Success for On-Site Releases of Nuisance Black Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Wildlife Society Bulletin 30, no. 1 (2002): 104-111.
"A couple of the States First Settlers Greetings from The Great Smoky Mts. National Park. D. H. Ramsey Library, Special Collections, University of North Carolina, Asheville: L.C. Le Compte Postcard Collection (1910-1977), 1940.
Data-based modelling of black bear habitat using GIS." In International Union of Game Biologists, 323-329., 1993.
"The Demographic and Morphological Characteristics of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains. Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee, 1991.