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US 19 from the Andrews Bypass to the Intersection of NC 28: Cherokee, Graham, Macon and Swain Counties...Draft Environmental Impact Statement. North Carolina Dept. of Transportation, 1978.
Corridor Summary Report, US 19 from the Andrews Bypass to the Intersection of NC 28: Cherokee, Graham, Macon and Swain Counties. North Carolina Dept. of Transportation, 1980.
The Blue Ridge Parkway and Myths of the Pioneer." Appalachian Journal 21, no. 4 (1994): 394-408.
""Could the Smokies Be Shrinking?" National Parks and Conservation Magazine 51, no. 6 (1977): 22-23.
Final Environmental Impact Statement: North Shore Road. Volume 1. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2007.
Transportation Concepts: Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1971.
Environmental Assessment of Alternatives for the General Management Plan: Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976.
Major Management Issues/Decisions: Proposed North Shore Road Through Great Smoky Mountains National Park. National Park Service, 2000.
Environmental Assessment: Cherokee Orchard Road/ Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 2006.
Major Management Issues/Decisions: Proposed North Shore Road Through Great Smoky Mountains National Park. National Park Service, 2002.
Wilderness Recommendation Great Smoky Mountains National Park North Carolina - Tennessee. Denver, CO: The Center, 1974.
Wilderness Areas in the Great Smokies." Appalachian Trailway News 27, no. 3 (1966): 41-44.
"Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Area to be Impacted by Improvements to Greenbrier Road. Luoisville, KY: AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc, 2002.
Additional Phase I Archeological Reconnaissance of the Area to be Impacted by Improvements to Greenbrier Road. Louisville, KY: AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., 2002.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park." The Highway Magazine 39, no. September (1948): 196-199.
"Stopped for Inspection by Native Black Bears, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Tennessee State Library and Archives: Tennessee Postcard Collection, 1950.
Harriet Beamer Takes the Bus. Zondervan, 2013.
Design Principles - Great Smoky Mountains National Park Roads & Bridges. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division: Historic American Engineering Record, 1996.
Mount Mitchell : Its Railroad and Toll Road. Johnson City, TN: Overmountain Press, 1994.
Final Report: Archaeological Survey and Testing, Newfound Gap Road Phase II Environmental Assessment, Project PRA-GRSM 1B19. Stone Mountain, GA: New South Associates, 2005.
Sevier County Officeholders: Road Superintendents." Smoky Mountain Historical Society Newsletter 27, no. 1 (2001): 4-5.
"Greene County, Tennessee Roads 1783-1795." Smoky Mountain Historical Society Newsletter 13, no. 4 (1987): 111-114.
"Highway Location as a Factor in Regional Development in Areas Adjacent to National Parks: A Case Study of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Region. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 1968.
The Loop on Main Highway Through Great Smoky Mountains National Park (2). D. H. Ramsey Library, Special Collections, University of North Carolina, Asheville: L.C. Le Compte Postcard Collection (1910-1977), 1940.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park In L. C. Le Compte Postcard Collection (1910-1977). University of North Carolina at Asheville: D.H. Ramsey Library, Special Collections, 2005.