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Newspaper Article
Scott, Bob. "The Road to Nowhere." The Asheville Citizen (1987).
Crabtree, Margaret Stinnett. Rememberin' the Little Greenbrier School and Primitive Baptist Church. Maryville, TN: Margaret S. Crabtree, 1983.
Kendall, Arthur Isaac. Rifle Making in the Great Smoky Mountains, Edited by National Park Service. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1941.
Edge, Rosalie. Roads and More Roads in the National Parks and National Forests In Pamphlet No. 54. Emergency Conservation Committee, 1936.
Scientific Report
Bratton, Susan Power. Rare Plant Status Report, 1978. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1978.
Nichols, Becky J.. Ravensford Fishes., 2005.
Wiegmann, Brian M.. Ravensford Site -- Flying Insect Survey: Report of Findings. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, 2002.
Keel, Bennie C.. The Ravensford Tract Archeological Project. National Park Service: Southeast Archeological Center, 2007.
Webb, Paul A., David S. Leigh, and Tasha Benyshek. Ravensford Tract History Extracted from Cultural and Historic Resource Investigations of the Ravensford Land Exchange Tract, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Swain County, North Carolina. Durham, N.C.: TRC Garrow Associates Inc., 2002.
Pfitzer, Donald W.. Recent Collections of Mammals From Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Johnson City, TN: Tennessee Academy of Science, 1951.
Robbins, Chandler S., John R. Sauer, Russell S. Greenberg, and Sam Droege. Recent Declines In Populations of North American Birds That Migrate to the Neotropics., 1988.
Garner, Kenneth M., and George H. Matschke. Recommendations for Reducing European Wild Boar in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Gatlinburg, TN: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1980.
Bailey, Heath R.. Reconfigure Tennessee Valley Authority Rain Gauge at North District Maintenance Yard, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, Tennessee. Gatlinburg, TN: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2009.
Herkel, E. P.. Reconnaissance Survey of Pineus Pinifoliae on White Pine in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. Asheville, NC: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration, 1951.
MacPherson, George A.. Record of Initial Investigation for Archaeological Sites in Certain Sections of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Gatlinburg, TN: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1939.
Murdock, Nora A., and Keith R. Langdon. Recovery Plan for Rock Gnome Lichen: (Gymnoderma lineare) (Evans) Yoshimura and Sharp. Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1997.
Biggins, Richard G.. Recovery Plan for Smoky Madtom (Noturus baileyi) Taylor. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1985.
Murdock, Nora A.. Recovery Plan for Spreading Avens (Geum radiatum) Rafinesque. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1993.
Saunders, Paul Richards. Recreational Impacts in the Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Ecosystem In The Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Ecosystem: Its Biology and Threats. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1984.
Van Deusen, Paul C.. Red Spruce Tree Ring Analysis Using a Kalman Filter In Analyses of Great Smoky Mountain Red Spruce Tree Ring Data. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1988.
Dimmick, Ralph W., Walter W. Dimmick, and Craig Watson. Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Their Status and Habitat In Research/Resources Management Report. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1980.
Lucash, Christopher F., and Barron Allen Crawford. Reestablishment of Red Wolves in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Annual Summary; October 9, 1992 to December 31, 1993 In Annual Summary. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region IV, 1996.
Smith, George F., and Niki Stephanie Nicholas. Regeneration of Fraser Fir After Thirty Years of Balsam Woolly Adelgid Infestation. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1995.
Keel, Bennie C., John E. Cornelison, and David M. Brewer. Regionwide Archeological Survey Plan: Southeast Field Area, National Park Service. Tallahassee, FL: Southeast Archeological Center, 1996.
Bailey, Heath R.. Rehabilitation of Cosby Developed Area Roads, Cocke County, Tennessee. Gatlinburg, TN: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2009.
