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Living Motion Pictures. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: From Pi Beta Phi to Arrowmont, 1923.
The Literary Tradition of the Southern Mountaineer, 1824-1900. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago , 1944.
The Latitude-Elevation Relationship for Spruce-Fir Forest and Treeline along the Appalachian Mountain Chain." Vegetatio 94, no. 2 (1991): 153-175.
"Late Bobolinks in Cades Cove." The Migrant 36, no. 3 (1965): 60.
"Looking toward Dammit from Pine Mt. Trail. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little River Valley from point of rocks N. of Mt. Nebo House. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Laurel Creek road near A.J. Dorsey's. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little River Gap from road near Vance Walker's house, Miller's Cove. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Laurel Creek Road Blount Co. Tenn.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little, or Fox Mt. from mud road at foot of Scott Mt.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little River above Vance Walker's. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little, or Fox Mt. from road over Scott Mt.. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little River opposite Uncle Sammy Walker's house-Miller's Cove (A.P. Holt wading). The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Little River Valley from verandah of Mt. Nebo House. The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
Laurel Creek road Blount Co. Tenn. (laurels). The University of Tennessee Libraries Digital Collections: William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection, 1886.
A Land Use Bibliography of North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Administration, Office of State Planning, 1974.
Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881 In microform., 1959.
Luigi Castiglioni's Viaggio = Travels in the United States of North America, 1785-87. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1983.
Legendary Hunters and an Enduring Tradition: Hunting as a Way of Life in the High Country." Smoky Mountain Living 7, no. 1 (2007): 72-75.
"Lakes in the Mist: The TVA Lake System." Smoky Mountain Living 1, no. 3 (2001): 5-8.
"Living in Bear Country: WNC's Black Bear Population." Smoky Mountain Living 1, no. 3 (2001): 22-24.
"Louis E Jones, Early Artist of the Great Smokies." Smoky Mountain Historical Society Newsletter 27, no. 1 (2001): 20-22.
"Letter from Stanley G. Canter to the Chief of Resource Management and Science on the Red Spruce Certificate. Gatlinburg, TN: National Park Service, 1988.
Landscape-Scale Characteristics of Forest Tornado Damage in Mountainous Terrain." Landscape Ecology 31, no. 9 (2016): 2097-2114.
"Let's Go Walking." Health and Physical Education 9, no. 8 (1938): 476-477, 577.