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Connelly, Jeffrey B., and R. D. Dallmeyer. "Polymetamorphic Evolution of the Western Blue Ridge: Evidence From AR-40/AR-39 Whole-Rock Slate/Phyllite and Muscovite Ages." American Journal of Science 293, no. 4 (1993): 322-359.
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DePriest, Paula T.. Southern Appalachian Lichens: An Indexed Bibliography. University of Tennessee, 1983.
DePriest, Paula T.. Southern Appalachian Lichens: An Indexed Bibliography In Research/Resources Management Report. Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1983.
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Hamilton, Warren. USGS Field Party., 1953.
Hamilton, Warren Bell, Jarvis B. Hadley, Philip Burke King, Robert Ballin Neuman, Richard Goldsmith, and Willis H. Nelson. Geology of the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North Carolina In U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961.
Hammarstrom, Jane M., Robert R. Seal, Allen L. Meier, and John C. Jackson. "Weathering of Sulfidic Shale and Copper Mine Waste: Secondary Minerals and Metal Cycling in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, and North Carolina, USA." Environmental Geology 45, no. 1 (2003): 35-57.
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