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De Young, H., Peter S. White, and H. R. De Selm. Southern Appalachian Vegetation: A Computer Indexed Bibliograpy, 1803-1981 In Research/Resources Management Report. National Park Service, Southeast Regional Office.
Boetsch, John Roland. Modeling the Occurrence of Rare Plant Populations at the Landscape Scale, Edited by Peter S. White. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, 2000.
Scientific Report
White, Peter S.. Terrestrial Plant Ecology in Great Smoky Mountains National Park Biosphere Reserve: A Fifteen-Year Review and a Program for Future Research In Research/Resources Management Report. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1987.
Mack, Allison, William P. Gregg, Susan Power Bratton, and Peter S. White. A Survey of Ecological Inventory, Monitoring and Research in U.S. National Park Service Biosphere Reserves In Research/Resources Management Report. Gatlinburg, TN: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1981.
White, Peter S.. The Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Ecosystem: Its Biology and Threats In Research/Resources Managment Report. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1984.
White, Peter S., and John C. Morse. The Science Plan for the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee. Gatlinburg, TN, 2000.
White, Peter S.. Reports on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Vascular Plants: Discussion and Guidelines In Research/Resources Management Report. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1980.
Kuppinger, Dane M., Peter S. White, and Michael A. Jenkins. Predicting the Invasion of the Exotic Species Paulownia tomentosa Following Burning in Pine and Oak-Pine Forests of the Mountains In Joint Fire Science Project. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina, 2006.
White, Peter S., and Richard T. Busing. Lterm: Long-term Monitoring and Research in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Vegetation Monitoring and an Assessment of Past Studies In Technical Report. Chapel Hill, NC: North Carolina Botanical Garden; Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, 1993.
Nicholas, Niki Stephanie, and Peter S. White. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Hard Mast Survey: An Evaluation of the Current Survey, Analysis of Past Data, and Discussion of Alternatives for Future Surveys. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1984.
Stratton, Donald A., and Peter S. White. Grassy Balds of Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Vascular Plant Floristics, Rare Plant Distributions, and An Assessment of The Floristic Data Base In Research/Resources Management Report. Gatlinburg, TN: Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1982.
White, Peter S.. The Flora of Great Smoky Mountains National Park: An Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants and a Review of Previous Floristic Work. Uplands Field Research Laboratory, 1982.
Peine, John Douglas, Charlotte Pyle, and Peter S. White. Environmental Monitoring and Baseline Data Management Strategies and the Focus of Future Research in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Research/Resources Management Report. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, Southeast Region, 1985.
Nicholas, Niki Stephanie, and Peter S. White. The Effect of the Southern Pine Beetle on Fuel Loading in Yellow Pine Forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park In Research/Resources Management Report. Gatlinburg, TN: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1984.
Nicholas, Niki Stephanie, and Peter S. White. The Effect of Balsam Woolly Aphid Infestation on Fuel Levels in Spruce-Fir Forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. National Park Service -- Southeast Region, 1985.
Journal Article
Mackenzie, Mark D., and Peter S. White. "Vegetation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1935-1938." Castanea 63, no. 3 (1998): 323-336.
Bratton, Susan Power, India Owen, and Peter S. White. "The Status of Botanical Information on National Parks in the Southeastern United States." Castanea 47, no. 2 (1982): 137-147.
White, Peter S., Ronald I. Miller, and George S. Ramseur. "The Species-Area Relationship of the Southern Appalachian High Peaks: Vascular Plant Richness and Rare Plant Distributions." Castanea 49, no. 2 (1984): 47-61.
White, Peter S.. "Rarity? The Case for Vascular Plants at Great Smoky Mountains National Park." The ASB Bulletin 28, no. 2 (1981): 84.
Bratton, Susan Power, and Peter S. White. "Rare Plant Management -- After Preservation What?" Rhodora 82, no. 829 (1980): 49-75.
Callaway, Ragan Morrison, Edward E. C. Clebsch, and Peter S. White. "Predicting Wood Production by Canopy Trees in Forest Communities in the Western Great Smoky Mountains." Forest Science 35, no. 2 (1989): 338-348.
Cogbill, Charles V., Peter S. White, and Susan K. Wiser. "Predicting Treeline Elevation in the Southern Appalachians." Castanea 62, no. 3 (1997): 137-146.
Harrod, Jonathan C., Mark E. Harmon, and Peter S. White. "Post-Fire Succession and 20th Century Reduction in Fire Frequency on Xeric Southern Appalachian Sites." Journal of Vegetation Science 11, no. 4 (2000): 465-472.
Bratton, Susan Power, Mark E. Harmon, and Peter S. White. "Patterns of European Wild Boar Rooting in the Western Great Smoky Mountains." Castanea 47, no. 3 (1982): 230-242.
White, Peter S.. "Pattern, Process, and Natural Disturbance in Vegetation." The Botanical Review 45, no. 3 (1979): 230-299.
